Cousins Claren Bryson and Shawna Hall have graciously agreed to serve on our new Seanachie Council.
So, what is a seanachie? Well, it a gaelic word for a storyteller and it is pronounced 'SHAWN*A*KEY'. That exactly describes the goal of the council: tell the story of the Bryson family.
Claren and Shawna will advise me and critique the website. They will also be given the password for editing the site in the event I can't due to illness or death. However, I'm still the one to blame for any errors or omissions on the site.
Also, all members of the council do not necessarily agree with absolutely everything said on the site. For example, I don't think our ancestors were French Hugonauts eventhough the website gives that as one alternative. The website, if it is to be THE Clan website, must reflect the views of all Brysons equally and not just the opinions of the person typing the information into the site. So, presence on that council DOES NOT mean someone agrees with everything said. It only means they actively review the material for cosmetic form and fairness to all opinions.
Anyway, give them both a good round of applause. I really appreciate them.
Cousin Donnie